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Disneyland 2026

Our 8th - 11th grade band and choir members have an opportunity to perform at Disneyland!

For parents, guardians, and students we have some upcoming important dates:

9/24 Mandatory Meeting @ 6pm in the LHS Band Room

10/11 Non-refundable down payment of $175 due


You can view the proposed itenerary by clicking here


About the trip... 

We will be having a mandatory 2026 Disneyland trip meeting on Tuesday, September 24, 2024 at 6PM in the Lakeside High School Band Room for 8th-11th Graders and their parents/guardians. Please be there if you plan on going or have any interest in finding out more about the cost and details of our Disneyland trip in April of 2026 (next school year). If you can't make it but are interested/want to go to Disney, PLEASE let me know so I can keep you on the email chain. Our travel representative from Music Travel Consultants and Educational Destinations will be there to answer questions.


We must have 25 performers to perform at Disneyland and our chaperone to student ratio must be 1:8. Our first down payment of $175 is scheduled for October 11, 2024 and is a non refundable payment. On the attachment, please note that the prices do NOT include airfare because it is too soon to properly estimate the cost. Before making this payment we need to make sure that we have 25 performers so please read through the itinerary and come to the meeting on the 24th with any questions that you have. It will take a lot of fundraising to bring down the cost and this means we need a lot of parent support and willingness to share the fundraising load. I'm excited to continue this preparation to help give our music ensemble members an experience of a lifetime. 


Please reach out to me if you have any questions.


All the best,

Mr. Mazurek


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